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Man's Portrait

Individual Counseling

"Find out who you are and do it on purpose" 

-Dolly Parton  

Not all grief is the result of losing someone to death. Grief can be just as present when we are crossing a major threshold in life -the end of a relationship, giving birth, starting a new career path, or relocating. This process type of ‘mourning’ is far less socially acceptable, and yet there can still be a longing for what once was. We all know that change is inevitable. Most change is even exciting. But when life circumstances trigger old wounds and traumas these new chapters can be accompanied by feelings of loss, loneliness and confusion.




I work with those going through transitions such as:

  • End of a relationship

  • Birth & Postpartum 

  • Single parenting

  • Job/career change

  • Empty nest

  • Caregiving

  • Relocating to a new city

  • Trying to conceive 

  • Questioning faith/spirituality

Girl with Dogs

Sometimes you just need a safe and unbiased place to unpack and make sense of all of the difficult emotions. Sometimes that alone can begin to soften the rough edges. Other times healing can only come from looking beneath the surface to find places were you have gotten lost or stuck. I believe we all deserve to unblock that which prevents us from living a life of meaning and purpose. My goal is to guide, support, and empower you on that path. 





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